Wednesday, March 1, 2017


First, the main purpose for family reunions is survival.
We come together to talk about backup plans and where to meet in case of global fires. Our immediate families do this. We have a meeting spot outside of the house in case of house fires.
But if there are wars or disasters, then the meeting spot should be at a castle or a big house or mansion or some kind of secret base or hideout. An uncle or a grandpa could be voted on as the godfather of all the family trees. They could be responsible with making sure relatives and extended family is accounted for. During family reunions, we can talk about strategies for surviving as a family or as families united by law or by lines and trees and blood, or not, and other things.
I came up with this today and I think that people kind of did some of these things centuries ago or years ago and we have been pulled away from doing these things from the NWO and all of that, the bad people who control and own us all in so many ways.
In other words, family reunions are not really just for fun and stuff like that.
Second, family reunions are for updating family trees and for telling stories like the Titanic Drunk story and many other things like that. We should always have family historians and the person with the biggest house should probably be the godfather and the family historian with libraries of the family photos, videos, records, trees, documents, stories, and everything else.
Third, family reunions are for taking photos, videos, and stuff, since it is good to compare our faces, our DNA, with each other in photos, and we might as well take photos together since we are all together during those times. We can also compare our medical records and talk about health strategies, problems, concerns, successes.
Fourth, it is all about creating memories not just with family or extended family but also extensive family or relatives third removed or beyond.
And I think people all around the world should do this.

Family is under attack all around the world but mostly in America, the best country in the world.
The world government can defeat us faster if we are not united, together, within families, groups, friends, and things like that.
I believe in nationalism, in your country first. Likewise, moreover, to a greater degree and priority, we should be family first too and we should make our families and family and family trees and blood lines and relatives and ancestors and everybody relevant again and bigger again and more connected again and safe again and strong again and healthy again and relevant again and happy again and united again and together again and oatmeal again and great again.
Families Unite


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