Saturday, February 11, 2017

Americans Are Asian Europeans

I want to know if I am Indian, as in Native American.
They say foreigners took Indian wives and millions of Americans now have at least 2% or a bit of Indian blood in them.
Maybe some did in the 1600's.
We know America is a melting pot and not a collection of like one race or nationality or people group except for maybe the Indians.
Americans = Asian + Europeans.
I'm thinking that Americans are to some extent a mix of Indians and Europeans. The Indians are probably Asian.
Of course, Americans are mixtures and combinations of every race and color and everything to different degrees.
However, I would maybe argue that a true United Statian or American would be of the people who were in America in the 1600's and 1700's, which were the Asians and Europeans.

Europeans probably descend from Japheth, the 1st son.
Asians probably come from Shem, Noah's 2nd son.
America is like a reunion or tower of Babel.
America was like a reunion of the two families.
Japheth family reunited with Shem family.
Later, black Ham family came too, partly through slaves.
Many African slave masters were blacks themselves.
There were and are slaves of all colors.
Not just blacks.
White people mostly come from the first son.
They come from Japheth, I think.
Therefore, whites become the first to do things.
Blacks come from the last son, Ham.
And are therefore last in intelligence and stuff.
But are first in speed, strength and stuff.
In families, the youngest son seems more athletic.
Blacks seem to be more athletic too.
In families, the oldest son or daughter is the smartest.
Whites are often the smartest.
Asians are often like the middle child.
I'm a middle child in Asia.
I can sympathize with Asians.
We might have some similarities as we are in the middle.
There are the whites and blacks.
The yellow Asians are often stuck in the middle.
Americans Are Asian Europeans

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